Let’s say you were in the early stages of siting a wind project in Texas that will be settled at the West Texas Pricing Hub and need a better understanding of nodal-to-zone basis risk at different potential project sites. You can use EA’s mapping tools to identify proxy wind nodes near different sites you are considering. These proxy nodes will have similar characteristics such as wind speed, frequency, and transmission constraints as the nearby sites you are considering.

Source: Energy Acuity LMP Platform

Energy Acuity’s LMP Tool

Let’s say while using our mapping tool, you identified the Octotillo Windpower, Red Canyon Wind, Woodward Wind, and South Trent Wind Farm generation nodes as proxy nodes. A quick analysis shows that over the past three years Ocotillo and Red Canyon have higher average LMPs and a more favorable basis risk differential compared to the ERCOT West hub than Woodward and South Trent. Thus, sites near Ocotillo and Red Canyon would be more favorable from a basis-risk perspective than sites near Woodward or South Trent.

Clients are using this data and similar analyses to narrow down potential sites for power plants before they perform full-scale congestion cost studies, basis risk studies, and other due diligence, saving them time and money.

Energy Acuity’s LMP Tool

Source: Energy Acuity LMP Platform

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Energy Acuity (EA) is the leading provider of power generation and power delivery market intelligence. Founded in 2008, EA was built on the principal that essential energy market research could be conducted and presented more efficiently than the traditional third-party data providers.

EA’s unique approach merges primary research, public resource aggregation, web monitoring and expert analysis that is delivered through a simple, dynamic online platform. This allows our clients to focus on actionable information and win business over the competition.

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