Energy Acuity Terms & Conditions
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End-User License Agreement (EULA). By logging into the Energy Acuity website, web portal and/or database, I agree that I am bound by the following provisions and prohibitions of this EULA that pertain to the materials accessed (Licensed Materials):
Prohibitions. Licensee shall not and shall not permit any third party to:
- Copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, publicly display, use or disclose the Licensed Materials in any manner not expressly authorized herein.
- Load the Licensed Materials as any networked configuration that permits or enables access to the Licensed Materials by third parties, whether via the Internet, a network or otherwise.
- Allow any third parties to access or view the Licensed Materials, except for authorized excerpting and distribution of limited portions as set forth above.
- Distribute any interfaces or software programs comprising the Licensed Materials.
- Download data from the Licensed Materials with the intent of using such data as a substitute for purchasing a subscription.
- Use the Licensed Materials, directly or indirectly, in competition with Company.
- Use the Licensed Materials as a primary source to create and/or maintain any market indexes that it publishes or distributes to third parties.
- Create or maintain a database from or using the information or data from the Licensed Materials.
- Infringe or misappropriate the Licensed Materials or take any action inconsistent with Company’s ownership of and rights in the Licensed Materials.
- Use or rely upon the Licensed Materials in any way to develop products that compete with the products or services of Company,
- Imitate the proprietary design, layout or “look and feel” of the Licensed Materials,
- Use or misappropriate the License Materials in any way that would enable or assist Licensee or a consultant to or an investor in any non-publicly traded company, either directly or indirectly, in creating, developing, selling, marketing, or licensing products that compete in any manner with Company or the Licensed Materials.
- In addition, I agree to be bound by the term of usages herein or in the license agreement and/or that I am an authorized user and that the User ID and Password I am using was assigned to me personally by the Licensee and Energy Acuity. I further agree that as an authorized user, I am currently employed and/or otherwise authorized by a firm with an active and valid license agreement and that license agreement is currently in effect. I agree that I will not share any Energy Acuity data with any person or entity other than the firm identified in the Energy Acuity license agreement, nor will I use this information for any commercially competitive purpose other than the support of the licensee’s business.
Any distribution of the data from the Licensed Materials, electronic or otherwise, shall include a reasonably conspicuous citation notice as follows: “SOURCE: ENERGY ACUITY, LLC” or “SOURCE: CONTAINS COPYRIGHTED AND TRADE SECRET MATERIAL DISTRIBUTED UNDER LICENSE FROM ENERGY ACUITY, LLC. FOR RECIPIENT’S INTERNAL USE ONLY,” or similar language reasonably acceptable to Company;
I will not use the service in any manner that will directly compete with Energy Acuity or interfere with the proper functioning of the site for any other users. I will not use any third-party software, including “crawlers”, bots, browser plug-ins, or browser extensions (also called “add-ons”), that scrapes, modifies the appearance of, re-broadcasts or automates activity on Energy Acuity’s website.
I acknowledge that Energy Acuity may monitor and measure usage of the system to ensure compliance with these conditions and seek to uphold the use of Energy Acuity data as outlined in this EUAL or the License Agreement, whichever is directly applicable.
Related links: Cookie Policy | Privacy Policy