Energy Acuity, a leading provider of data, intelligence, and analytics on the power markets, announced that it has added new data on locational marginal pricing (LMP) to its product suite.
The newest update includes information on nearly 45,000 pricing nodes in CAISO, ERCOT, MISO, ISO-NE, NYISO, & SPP. Energy Acuity is tracking hourly real time pricing for LMP, Congestion and Line Loss. Users will have the ability to search for nodes and compare nodes to each other and hubs. Data visualization tools will provide quick analysis of LMP prices over different time periods. Energy Acuity has built two LMP maps, one providing the ability to view nodes by physical location and another displaying a heat map which changes hourly to display how LMP prices are changing.
“Our clients are finding value in the ability to quickly find historical data on nodes they are familiar with and to search for new nodes based on location, ISO/RTO region, and hub data,” said Maxwell Ryan, VP Research and Product Development of Energy Acuity. “This tool is allowing our clients to spend more time analyzing LMP, congestion and line loss to help them make decisions and understand risk between nodes and the node the hub.”
“Evaluating price nodes and understanding basis risk is paramount for project site selection and analysis,” said Brian Graff, CEO of Energy Acuity. “This new data set complements our existing project databases and provides a huge advantage to our clients that require the most current and in-depth intelligence for project development.”
About Energy Acuity: Energy Acuity provides intelligence on the energy industry and markets through three online platforms focused on Renewable Energy, Grid Infrastructure, and Traditional Energy. The product suite covers over 14,200 companies, 2,900 utilities, 65,270 projects, 94,000 industry professionals, and over 809,000 properties.
Source: Energy Acuity
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